You might not realize how much energy you’ve wasted in your home every day. Simple actions can result in higher utility bills, like using cold appliances or leaving the lights on. In addition, certain appliances, like traditional water heaters, remain the most energy-consuming, from heating the water to keeping it warm for later use.
As if that wasn’t enough, many of these models rely on natural gas or electricity, which contributes to pollution and climate change.
Fortunately, heat pump and tankless water heaters introduced better efficiency, allowing you to have a reliable supply of warm water without consuming more energy. In this way, you get to enjoy the comfort of hot water while making a difference in saving the planet just by making smarter decisions on your energy consumption.
Heat pump water heaters typically pull heat from the surrounding air and then transfer it to the water through the refrigerant passing around the inner tank. This makes water heating much more energy-efficient because it doesn’t create heat from scratch; instead, it moves it from one space to another.
Meanwhile, if you’re short on budget for a heat pump heating unit, you might want to try an electric instant water heater instead because it’s cheaper to buy and easier to install. It only heats the water passing through the unit, eliminating the need to counter heat loss. Despite using electricity to operate and warm the passing water, tankless options significantly reduce energy use which can translate to lower energy bills.
Tankless instant and heat pump water heaters consume less energy than standard tank models because they operate without the need to strain the electrical grid. Not only is it safe for the environment, but it also reduces your expenses since you don’t have to pay higher utility bills.
Energy factor (EF) ratings show how efficiently a heater uses energy to heat water. A higher EF rating means the more efficient your water heater is in reducing energy consumption.
In general, tank water heaters consume more energy because they need to continuously heat and maintain a large volume of water even when it’s not in use. However, models like tankless shower heaters only heat the water whenever you turn on the tap, allowing for maximum efficiency.
Read More: Water Heater Energy Guide: What You Need to Know
Heat pump water heaters come with variable speed motors, allowing you to adjust their operation based on the demand. This means that the motors will increase or decrease their speed to match the hot water demand in your household.
Since many water heaters come with a 60°C temperature setting, the variable speed motor starts at a higher speed to quickly heat the water. Then, it slows down to maintain the heat once the water reaches that temperature. In this way, high-efficiency water heaters use less energy because they don’t have to run at full speed like other models constantly.
Modern heat pump water heaters are designed with better insulation, which is a material responsible for slowing down the transfer of heat. This keeps the water hot inside the tank by minimizing heat loss and, in doing so, lessens energy waste by limiting the frequency of use to keep the desired temperature.
Recent changes in the environment have pushed people to rethink their lifestyle choices, where they get to live a comfortable life while minimizing their negative impact on the world. But you might feel that switching to more environmentally friendly options will add to your bills, yet they doesn’t have to be. Heat pump and tankless water heater choices can deliver on their promise to reduce your energy consumption and save you money in the long run.
You can start your search in Rheem Philippines’ extensive water heater collection, which consists of the best models for environmentally-conscious people like yourself. We’ve been recognized as the ENERGY STAR partner of the year for 4 consecutive years due to our commitment to a sustainable future.
More importantly, we’re dedicated to fulfilling our customers’ unique needs. Feel free to talk to our representatives at with any questions about our products.
Read More:
Why Sustainability is the Future of Water Heating
The Cost Savings Potential of Heat Pump Water Heaters for Filipino Businesses
How Heat Pump Water Heaters Contribute to Global Decarbonization
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